
Employees pay OASI/DI/EO and ALV-contributions. Self-employed people do not pay any ALV-contributions, as they are not insured against unemployment.

More information on this topic:

Equal contributions

Salary contributions
Contribution obligations of employers and employees

Employers and employees each pay half of the OASI/DI/EO and ALV contributions. Both the contributions to the Family Allowances Office and the administration fee contributions are borne exclusively by the employers.

How much are the contributions

The online-calculator will give you that information.

More details:

Leaflet 2.01 - Salary contributions to Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance (OASI), Disability Insurance (DI) and Income Compensation Insurance (IC)
Leaflet 2.05 - Payments received on termination of employment
Leaflet 2.06 - Domestic work
Contributions of self-employed persons
Self-employed persons pay OASI, DI and EO contributions. As self-employed persons are not insured against unemployment, the corresponding ALV contributions are not due in this instance.

How much are the contributions?

The online calculator will give you that information

More details:

Leaflet 2.02 - Self-employed contributions to Old Age and Survivors' Insurance (OASI), Disability Insurance (DI) and Income Compensation Insurance (IC)
Viaduktstr. 42
4002 Basle
Telephone 061 285 22 22
E-mail info@ak35.ch
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Counter / Phone
09:00-11:00 14:00-16:00
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