OASI benefits

The OASI pays pensions, disablement allowances and other benefits.

The Old-age and Survivors' Insurance pensions as well as the disablement allowances account for most of the OASI benefits.

Old-age pension
Individuals who have reached the reference age of 65 (women born between 1961 and 1963 are gradually being raised from 64 to 65) and have been insured in Switzerland for at least one year are entitled to an old-age pension.

The old-age pension can be drawn flexibly between 63 and 70. Women of the transitional generation (born between 1961 and 1969) can continue to draw their pension early at the age of 62. In addition to the option of a monthly early withdrawal or deferral, a partial early withdrawal or partial deferral (the proportion must be between 20% and 80% in each case and may also be stated in Swiss francs) can also be applied for, as well as a combination of both. During the entire term between the ages of 63 and 70, you have the opportunity to change the early withdrawal or deferral percentage once. For more details, please refer to Leaflet 3.04 - Flexible retirement

For children who have not yet reached the age of 18 or who have not yet reached the age of 25 and are still in education, a child's pension is paid in addition to the old-age pension.
Survivors' pension
What are the  conditions for a widows'/widowers' pension or orphans' pension?

After the death of her husband, a widow is entitled to a widows' pension, insofar as she has a child or is 45 or older and was married for at least 5 years.

Following the death of his wife, a widower is entitled to a widowers' pension, insofar as and for as long as he has a child under 18.

Under certain circumstances, divorced persons are also entitled to a widows'/widowers' pension after the death or the ex-husband/ex-wife.

The entitlement ends in case of remarriage or entitlement to a higher invalidity or old-agepension.

After the death or their mother or father, orphans are entitled to an orphans' pension, insofar as they are under 18 or for as long as they are in education and are under 25. Special regulations apply for stepchildren and foster-children.

More details:

Leaflet 3.03 - OASI survivors' pensions
Disablement allowance
Who is entitled to a disablement allowance?

Whether someone is entitled to a disablement allowance does not depend on their income and assets but rather on the level of their disability. A disabled person constitutes someone who permanently relies on the assistance of others for essential daily tasks, such as getting up, getting dressed, going to the toilet, eating, etc. and requires permanent care or personal supervision.

Only persons who live and normally reside in Switzerland are entitled.
Auxiliary Aids
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Change of payment details
As a recipient of OASI/DI benefits, you may change your payment address at any time.

Use one of these forms for this purpose:
Viaduktstr. 42
4002 Basle
Telephone 061 285 22 22
E-mail info@ak35.ch
Opening hours
Counter / Phone
09:00-11:00 14:00-16:00
Telephone contacts
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