Direct debit for the payments
Simplify your payments by using direct debit via a bank (LSV+) or Debit Direct (DD) via PostFinance.
How you benefit:
- You reduce your administrative burden, because the payments on account are automatically debited from your account on the due date.
- You don't have to worry about payment deadlines and interest on arrears.
- You save PostFinance or banking fees, because both LSV and DD are free of charge.
- You are not taking any risks, because in case of any discrepancies you can reverse a direct debit payment already made within 30 days.
How do I register for LSV/DD?
You just have to fill in the form below entitled "Debit authorization form Debit Direct / LSV +". Submit the completed form
- in case of debit authorization for the PostFinance postal account to our compensation office
- in case of debit authorization for the bank account to the bank.
Debit authorization form Debit Direct / LSV +