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Voluntary continuation of compulsory insurance

Persons who are assigned to work in a non-signatory state (= state with which Switzerland has not concluded an Agreement on Social Security)  by their Switzerland-based employer may, under certain conditions, continue to pay into OASI/DI/EO and ALV. However, this does not free them from any obligation to pay contributions to the compulsory insurance in their country of employment.

The application in case of voluntary continuation of compulsory insurance can be made online on the ALPS platform under "Create new posting abroad" type "continuation of assurance" or at the compensation office using the form " Application to remain subject to Swiss social insurance legislation during the temporary exercise of a professional activity abroad  ".

The application must be submitted to the compensation office within six months of the end of the compulsory social security obligations.

The voluntary continuation is also possible after the expiry of the maximum assignment period in a contracting state.

Persons who live in Switzerland while working in a non-signatory state will continue to be insured in Switzerland. It is not necessary to apply for the compulsory insurance to be continued. If the employer's registered office is located in Switzerland, the contributions are paid via the employer, or otherwise by the insured person as a so-called employee without an employer obliged to pay contributions.

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