Swiss nationals and nationals from the EU/EFTA who move to a country outside of the EU/EFTA and to whom none of the aforementioned facts apply may join the OASI on a voluntary basis, insofar as they comply with conditions. See leaflet 10.02 - The voluntary old-age, survivors and disability insurance scheme (pages 23-29) for more details. The Swiss Compensation Office (SCO) in Geneva is responsible for the joining process.
Nationals of non-signatory states may apply for reimbursement of OASI contributions if they leave Switzerland permanently. Leaflet 10.03 - Citizens of States with which Switzerland has not concluded an Agreement on Social Security (pages 41 to 52) provides information on this possibility and any entitlements from Swiss insurance schemes.
Claim for refund of OASI contributions
The application must either be submitted to the compensation office of the most recent employer before leaving Switzerland or to the Swiss Compensation Office in Geneva after leaving Switzerland.