How much is the maternity allowance?
The maternity allowance amounts to 80% of the average earned income before the birth (or a maximum of CHF 220 a day for a period of 14 weeks). If the new-born has to be hospitalized for at least 14 days directly after birth, the duration of the maternity allowance paiement can be extended by the duration of the hospitalization not exceeding 56 days.
Calculate your entitlement to a maternity allowance using our online calculator.
In addition to the salary, extra pay (e.g. extra pay for shift/night work and dirty work allowance), the 13th month's salary and bonuses are also taken into account when determining the authoritative earned income.
In case of irregular earned income (e.g. working students, on-call employment), the calculation will be based on the average earned income over the previous 12 months (possibly also a shorter period).
If the employer continues to pay at least 80% of the salary during the entitlement period, the maternity allowance will be paid to him or her.
Leaflet 6.02 - Maternity benefit