
What consequences does a divorce have?

A divorce results in income splitting. When it comes to calculating the old-age or invalidity pension of divorced persons, the incomes which the spouses earned during their marriage are split in half. It is advisable to submit the income splitting application immediately after the divorce.

Application of splitting on divorce
(in German)
Leaflet 1.02 - Division of pension rights for divorced couples

The DI or OASI pensions need to be recalculated after a divorce.

What should be noted?

Notify your compensation office of the divorce if any of the following points apply to you:

  • I receive family allowances (employees: notification via the employer; self-employed persons: notification directly to the compensation office)
  • I receive a DI daily cash benefit
  • I receive an old-age or invalidity pension
  • I receive supplementary benefits
  • I pay contributions as a non-working person

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