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Child-Care benefits

Parents who have to interrupt their working activity for the care of their minor child who suffers from heavy health problems either due to illness or accident, have a right to receive child-care benefits of 14 weeks.

The benefits are 80 percent of the salary before the beginning of the right of child-care benefits. Maximally 98 daily allowances are paid within a qualifying period of 18 months. If both parents are entitled to benefit, they can split the receipt of benefits (for example 2 x 49 days).

Forms (only available in german, French or Italian)

Anmeldung Betreuungsentschädigung
Ergänzungsblatt zur Anmeldung Betreuungsentschädigung
Folgemeldung Betreuungsentschädigung

Viaduktstr. 42
4002 Basle
Telephone 061 285 22 22
E-mail info@ak35.ch
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09:00-11:00 14:00-16:00
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