I am in education
- I am over 20 and have no earned income: you have to pay contributions as a non-working person.
- I am under 25 and my mother or father receives an old-age or invalidity pension : my mother or father can apply for an OASI or DI children's pension for me.
- My father or mother has passed away and I am under 25: You are entitled to an orphans' pensio.
- Despite being entitled to an orphans' pension, my income is too low to cover my basic expenses: You might be entitled to supplementary benefits.
- You might be entitled to financial grants. Contact your community of residence.
- I am gainfully employed: have you already registered your child for the education allowances?
- I receive an old-age or invalidity pension: have you already registered with the compensation office for receipt of the children's pension ?
- I am a solo parent and the other parent of the child receives an old-age or invalidity pension: the parent entitled to a pension can apply for an OASI or DI children's pension .
- The father or mother of my child has passed away: you or your child (if he or she has reached the age of majority) can apply for an orphans' pension.
Life Situation