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Calculation of the old-age pension

How is the retirement pension calculated?

The calculation of the old-age pension is based on the eligible contribution period and the relevant average annual income.

If the obligation to contribute from 1 January after the 20th birthday until 31 December before reaching the reference age has been completely fulfilled, the old-age pension is calculated according to the maximum pension scale 44 (full pension). Each missing contribution year (or fractions thereof) leads to a reduction of the pension by about 2.3% (partial pension of scale 43 - 1).

Individuals who continue to work after the reference age, can - under certain conditions - have their OASI contributions credited and use additional contribution periods to close the gap. Any person may submit a unique application for a recalculation of their old-age pension between the reference age and the age of 70. The recalculated pension is paid out from the month following the application at the earliest. The recalculation will not exceed the maximum pension.

The relevant average annual income is calculated on the basis of the sum of earned income and eligible child-raising and care credits. Details can be found in Leaflet 3.01 - Old-age pensions and helplessness allowance from the AHV.

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