Revision of the Swiss Federal Act on Family Allowances enters into force on August 1, 2020
Eligibility for education allowances may begin at the age of 15
So far, education allowance has only been paid from the month that follows the month in which the child in education reached the age of 16. For young people who begin post-compulsory education at the age of 15, e.g. an apprenticeship, until now the parents only received the lower children’s allowance. This is now being corrected: entitlement to the education allowance begins with the start of the month in which post-compulsory education is taken up, but at the earliest from the beginning of the month in which the child's 15th birthday falls.
The new entitlement to an education allowance from age 15 will enter into force on August 1, 2020. To claim it, it is sufficient to submit the confirmation of education to us. The education that follows compulsory school is considered to be “post-compulsory”.
You may find our updated information sheet on family allowances